Because sex ed sucked.
Sex can be awkward. Relationships are hard. And who tf knows what the pelvic floor is? Turns out, we do. And we believe you should, too! So what are you waiting for? Let’s talk…tabú.

What Is the Difference Between Premature Ejaculation and Erectile Dysfunction?
And how do I deal?

HPV Vaccinations & Anal Pap Smears for Gay Men
What do I need to know about HPV as a gay man? Let’s talk about anal Pap smears.

Just How Often Are You Actually Supposed to Go to The Doctor?
You may be overdue for a check-up.

Oh, f*ck…Should I Take Plan B?
Have you had unprotected sex? Wondering if it’s too late to take Plan B? Don’t freak out. Here’s what you can do to prevent unintended pregnancy.

This Entrepreneur Is Bringing Self-Care to Your Vulva
What’s cooler than being cool? Private Packs: aka ice (and heat) packs for your vulva.

A Doctor and a Menstruator Explain Periods
What is it like to have a period? What really goes on during the menstrual cycle? Inquiring minds (of ALL genders) would like to know, seriously.

Here’s the Pelvic Floor-1-1
Once you learn about your pelvic floor, you’ll think it’s pretty cool.

Chronically Crazy: Life With Endometriosis
Living with a chronic illness is one thing; dealing with the outside perceptions is another.

My First Time …With A Menstrual Cup
You think you know your body until you have to figure out the size of your cervix.

How to Take Care…Down There: Sexual Self-Care for Males
What does self-care look like for people with penises?

Getting a Copper IUD Part 1: Choosing Birth Control
When condoms and Plan B won’t cut it anymore. Why I opted for the copper IUD.

Getting a Copper IUD Part 2: The Procedure
What it’s like to get an IUD (not that bad).

What To Do If Your Period is Painful AF
Some people can breeze through their periods unscathed (#blessed). And then there are the rest of us.

How Do STIs Impact Fertility?
Looking at STIs with regard to fertility and childbearing from the perspective of a sexual health and labor delivery nurse.

Are Cold Sores Herpes or What?
And what does it mean if I have one?

How To Use a Tampon: The Straightforward Guide You Need to Master the Tampon
Sounds basic, but seriously, how do you insert a tampon? Enter, a little tampon 101.

Painful Sex? 7 Signs You Might Have Vaginismus
If you experience pain during sex, pay attention

Popping the Myth of the Cherry ?
For centuries, people have thought that a woman’s virginity could be proven by her hymen. But what even is a hymen? And what does it mean to “pop your cherry”?

Step Up Your Condom Game
Protection is pleasure.

How Do I Get My Partner to Wear a Condom?
Time to talk about safe sex. Like actually, you’re gonna have to talk.