Because sex ed sucked.
Sex can be awkward. Relationships are hard. And who tf knows what the pelvic floor is? Turns out, we do. And we believe you should, too! So what are you waiting for? Let’s talk…tabú.

7 Brave Steps to Advocate for Yourself With Your Therapist or Doctor as a Marginalized Person
How exactly can you talk about race, gender, or socioeconomic status with a health care provider? When is it necessary to advocate for yourself? How will they respond?

5 Steps to Prepare for Your First Therapy Session and Find the Right Therapist
How to approach your first therapy session and determine if you’ve found the right therapist.

5 Steps You Can Take to Support a Loved One With a Mental Illness
Is a friend or family member struggling with their mental health? Here’s how you can help.

What Happened to My Sex Drive?
Seriously, where did my libido go?

The Beginner’s Guide to Finding and Choosing The Right Sex Therapist
What is sex therapy? Is it for me? How do I find the right sex therapist?

Getting to Know “Straight Friendly” Psychotherapist Adam Maurer
In this week’s Tell Me About Yourself, we’re celebrating Austin-based psychotherapist Adam Maurer, LMFT, LPC, who self-describes as “straight friendly.” Pretty awesome, I know. Check out the interview below!

This Relationship Coach Wants You to Appreciate Yourself First
In this week’s Tell Me About Yourself, we’re highlighting NYC-based Relationship and Wellness Coach Shula Melamed, MA, MPH. Check out her interview answers below!