Because sex ed sucked.
Sex can be awkward. Relationships are hard. And who tf knows what the pelvic floor is? Turns out, we do. And we believe you should, too! So what are you waiting for? Let’s talk…tabú.

This Entrepreneur Is Bringing Self-Care to Your Vulva
What’s cooler than being cool? Private Packs: aka ice (and heat) packs for your vulva.

Getting to Know Women’s Health Crusader, Estrella Jaramillo Ríos
Some heroes wear vagina-capes and do their kegels.

Janet Lieberman is Designing the Future of Pleasure
This entrepreneur is creating the ergonomic toys for sex you never knew you needed.

Making Period Pain a Thing of the Past
Has the time come to say sayonara to period pain? (Um, yes. The answer is yes.)

This Founder Wants You to Have Fearless Oral Sex
The founder of oral sex panty brand Lorals shares her story from writing legal briefs to designing briefs for pleasure.

Getting to Know “Straight Friendly” Psychotherapist Adam Maurer
In this week’s Tell Me About Yourself, we’re celebrating Austin-based psychotherapist Adam Maurer, LMFT, LPC, who self-describes as “straight friendly.” Pretty awesome, I know. Check out the interview below!

This Founder is Bringing Quality CBD to Your Doorstep
Don’t worry, Alexis Rosenbaum has got your CBD needs covered.

This Relationship Coach Wants You to Appreciate Yourself First
In this week’s Tell Me About Yourself, we’re highlighting NYC-based Relationship and Wellness Coach Shula Melamed, MA, MPH. Check out her interview answers below!

From Diagnosis to Disruption: This Innovator is Changing the Game for People With Periods
This is the #menstruationinnovation we’ve been waiting for.