This Founder is Bringing Quality CBD to Your Doorstep

Don’t worry, Alexis Rosenbaum has got your CBD needs covered.

Roses are red, violets are blue. This founder is making CBD accessible to you! I had the opportunity to chat with Alexis Rosenbaum, the Founder & CEO of Rosebud CBD, and learn about CBD misconceptions, her journey in the industry, how she practices self-care.

For starters, what is Rosebud and can you help us better understand exactly what CBD oil is?

Rosebud CBD-is a female owned cannabis company that currently offers CBD-based products. We believe in transparency with our customers, offering the highest quality products on the market, and always creating products that are simple, versatile and highly effective.

Cannabidiol (CBD) is the most prevalent cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant. The medicinal use of CBD dates back to prehistory, but it has long been pushed aside while scientists and users focused on the mind-altering component, THC. CBD has been known to reduce anxiety and stress, inflammation and pain, as well as topical ailments like psoriasis, acne and eczema. CBD oil is non-intoxicating, has almost no side effects, and it’s virtually impossible to lethally overdose.

What is the inspiration behind Rosebud? What problem(s) are you addressing and how are you solving them?

Roses have had a strong meaning in my life since I lost my best friend to Leukemia in 2016. I had never experienced death in my entire life until losing her. Her casket arrangement was a breath of fresh air full of bright pink roses that were loose and flowy—it changed my entire understanding of the event and feelings towards death. Her arrangement was so her, and it made me feel as if she was there with me. I tattooed those roses on my wrist and since have been drawn to the power and meaning behind roses. They offer gifts of fragrance and beauty. Roses have a number of meanings, what stuck out most to me was their connection to altering a situation, hope, promise, new beginnings, and balance.

When I was dreaming up what Rosebud is today, the symbolism of the rose felt like a natural fit for those in pain, overly anxious, and truly unhappy with how their mind and body felt. CBD could offer a change in a situation, hope and promise of a new beginning, and balance. The morning after I decided to move forward with Rosebud, I took my dogs on a walk and the sidewalk outside of my apartment was covered in rose petals. It just felt so right.

What are some of the common misconceptions about cannabis and the cannabis industry?

That everyone in this industry aligns with the cannabis plant. This is a multi-billion dollar industry full of good people and not so well intended people. I’ve learned some tough lessons along the way with people who took advantage of me.

How do you ensure the quality of your oil?

Every single batch of hemp we grow and process is third-party lab tested. This lab, which is in no way affiliated with our farm, tests the batches to ensure the quality, purity, and strength of our product.

Source: Rosebud CBD

Do you face any stigma (from friends, family, other business owners) as a founder in this space?

Luckily, I come from a large family full of cannabis users and supporters. I have faced little to no stigma, barriers to entry, or backlash of any sort. I would attribute this experience to my privileges of being a white middle-class woman. I wonder what the experience is like for a black middle-class woman? Black men and women have been using and working in this space and have faced a number of barriers and injustices including mass incarceration for minor and/or nonviolent cannabis crimes. In January I’m working with a number of organizations to better understand the experience of minority men and women who are serving time and are entering this space. I want to do a better job of communicating and educating from this perspective and experience. Hopefully, I can work with an organization to launch a give-back campaign in the future.

How do you maintain your mental health as an entrepreneur?

Being an entrepreneur is an amazing experience, but it comes with a lot of negatives. Mental health is one of them – there is a certain level of confidence that is necessary. Confidence is required at every moment of the day because, as the business owner, I am responsible for making every single decision. I have to have a strong backbone and clear idea of the brand’s direction. This can be overwhelming and exhausting. At times, I get extremely paranoid that what I do or say may be taken the wrong way, that maybe I didn’t use the right word, or that people will totally hate everything I do.

As an entrepreneur, I have to acknowledge those fears, make an agreement with them, and then push through. For me, this means having a strong grasp on my schedule and making time for personal time. I love networking and meeting with people, but I really need down time where I can get in my underwear and just be with myself.

Routine is an essential part of my life. I do the same things just about everyday—work out or go to a yoga class, go for walks, drink plenty of water, limit my caffeine and sugar intake, intention tracking and journaling, and I use both CBD and cannabis.

Boundaries. No one really talks about how important it is to get clear on your yes’s and no’s. Defining boundaries has been life changing for me in my relationship with myself, with my business, and with my family. It’s not easy— you’ll get a lot of pushback—but establishing and upholding boundaries forces me to put myself first and only do what feels good to me. Some family members feel I’m selfish, but this is the only life I have, and I truly believe that I should live it how I want, not on someone else’s account or because it’s “what I should do.”

Eating and drinking whole foods is really important to my mental health. If I overindulge in too much sugar, caffeine or processed foods it affects my mental state. I gave up alcohol two years ago and haven’t had a drink since. Giving up alcohol has really freed me from feeling like I need to alter who I am to enjoy this life.

What is your number one self-care tip for the holidays?

This is a fun time to let loose and have a good time. Indulge in the family time, the eating, the sleeping in, and the cozying up. Seeing family can be overwhelming so I set boundaries for myself so that whenever I have had enough, I feel ok to exit. I also do not drink—skip the alcohol, opt for cannabis. It makes the holidays that much more relaxing, fun and opens the door for deeper connections.

Header image edited by Marcy Gooberman


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Mia Davis

Mia is the founder behind this site! She is also the host of your favorite new podcast, Asking for Myself. She is passionate about empowering people with the information they need (and deserve) to live their best lives. She is also determined to help sexuality and mental health professionals scale their knowledge and reach more people in need. Her background is in product design and she may or may not watch a little too much reality TV. If you’re a Housewives fan, you’ll be sure to get along…


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