Because sex ed sucked.
Sex can be awkward. Relationships are hard. And who tf knows what the pelvic floor is? Turns out, we do. And we believe you should, too! So what are you waiting for? Let’s talk…tabú.

A Doctor and a Menstruator Explain Periods
What is it like to have a period? What really goes on during the menstrual cycle? Inquiring minds (of ALL genders) would like to know, seriously.

Here’s the Pelvic Floor-1-1
Once you learn about your pelvic floor, you’ll think it’s pretty cool.

My First Time …With A Menstrual Cup
You think you know your body until you have to figure out the size of your cervix.

What Happened to My Sex Drive?
Seriously, where did my libido go?

Do Women Have Wet Dreams Too?
Examining the mystery of nocturnal orgasms for people who don’t have a penis

Is Your Thyroid Messing With Your Libido?
Let’s talk about sex, baby. Let’s talk about T and 3.

Sex, Pleasure, Cannabis, and Lube

Your Vulva and Clitoris: Everything Sex Ed Didn’t Teach You (so, pretty much everything)
Get to know your vulva and let the pleasure begin! For starters, your clitoris is a lot more like a penis than you realize and your vulva and vagina are not the same thing.

Vaginal Dryness: 3 Experts Explain DAP Causes and Treatment
Why vaginal dryness happens and what you can do to alleviate discomfort.

15 Black Woman-Owned Vaginal & Menstrual Health Brands to Shop Now
These Black woman-owned wellness brands will help you level up your vulvar, vaginal, and period care.

Getting to Know Women’s Health Crusader, Estrella Jaramillo Ríos
Some heroes wear vagina-capes and do their kegels.

Ask Gigi: My Clit is Too Sensitive
What to do when clitoral stimulation is v uncomfortable.

3 Reasons Why You Should Let the Carpet Match the Drapes
This No Shave November and beyond…

Dating With a Disability
Advice from an “inclusionista sexpert” on navigating dating and sex with a disability.