Because sex ed sucked.
Sex can be awkward. Relationships are hard. And who tf knows what the pelvic floor is? Turns out, we do. And we believe you should, too! So what are you waiting for? Let’s talk…tabú.

A Doctor and a Menstruator Explain Periods
What is it like to have a period? What really goes on during the menstrual cycle? Inquiring minds (of ALL genders) would like to know, seriously.

Should I Talk to My S.O. About My Period?
How to introduce the subject without weirdness.

Chronically Crazy: Life With Endometriosis
Living with a chronic illness is one thing; dealing with the outside perceptions is another.

My First Time …With A Menstrual Cup
You think you know your body until you have to figure out the size of your cervix.

What To Do If Your Period is Painful AF
Some people can breeze through their periods unscathed (#blessed). And then there are the rest of us.

How To Use a Tampon: The Straightforward Guide You Need to Master the Tampon
Sounds basic, but seriously, how do you insert a tampon? Enter, a little tampon 101.

Yes, Period Panties Work. And These Are My Fave
An honest review of Joyja period panties.

15 Black Woman-Owned Vaginal & Menstrual Health Brands to Shop Now
These Black woman-owned wellness brands will help you level up your vulvar, vaginal, and period care.

Periods Are Expensive. Here’s How You Can Save
The costs of a period are mental, physical, and literal.

Making Period Pain a Thing of the Past
Has the time come to say sayonara to period pain? (Um, yes. The answer is yes.)

Let’s Talk About Periods — But Like Really
Rethinking access, stigma, and inclusion.

Do commercials make you cry during your period? This app helps explain why.
Gabrielle Lichterman from Hormonology tells us just how much hormones actually affect our mood… and then some.

From Diagnosis to Disruption: This Innovator is Changing the Game for People With Periods
This is the #menstruationinnovation we’ve been waiting for.