Because sex ed sucked.
Sex can be awkward. Relationships are hard. And who tf knows what the pelvic floor is? Turns out, we do. And we believe you should, too! So what are you waiting for? Let’s talk…tabú.

A Doctor and a Menstruator Explain Periods
What is it like to have a period? What really goes on during the menstrual cycle? Inquiring minds (of ALL genders) would like to know, seriously.

What To Do If Your Period is Painful AF
Some people can breeze through their periods unscathed (#blessed). And then there are the rest of us.

What Happened to My Sex Drive?
Seriously, where did my libido go?

Is Your Thyroid Messing With Your Libido?
Let’s talk about sex, baby. Let’s talk about T and 3.

Vaginal Dryness: 3 Experts Explain DAP Causes and Treatment
Why vaginal dryness happens and what you can do to alleviate discomfort.

Why Quitting The Pill Makes Me Feel Empowered AF
The power of options.

Do commercials make you cry during your period? This app helps explain why.
Gabrielle Lichterman from Hormonology tells us just how much hormones actually affect our mood… and then some.