Because sex ed sucked.
Sex can be awkward. Relationships are hard. And who tf knows what the pelvic floor is? Turns out, we do. And we believe you should, too! So what are you waiting for? Let’s talk…tabú.

HPV Vaccinations & Anal Pap Smears for Gay Men
What do I need to know about HPV as a gay man? Let’s talk about anal Pap smears.

Just How Often Are You Actually Supposed to Go to The Doctor?
You may be overdue for a check-up.

Are Cold Sores Herpes or What?
And what does it mean if I have one?

What Happened to My Sex Drive?
Seriously, where did my libido go?

Can Your IUD Prevent Cervical Cancer?
New research shows IUDs may prevent more than just pregnancy.

Can Masturbating Cure a Cold?
You might need that tissue for something else.

So… I Have HPV
Why you should talk to your partner about HPV and the facts you need to know.